by Cherie Ray | Jul 3, 2019 | Inspiration
Happy 4th of July!
In the United States we celebrate the 4th of July as our declaration of independence from Great Britain beginning in 1776.
What does Independence Day mean to you?
For me, this date is an opportunity to look deeper into the Truth that I am free beyond measure. I’m free to do what I choose, to think what I choose, and to play with life as FREELY as I choose. For me I notice how my mind can suggest a limitation in such a convincing way that I look at it as if it were “sent down with the stone tablets.”
Oftentimes, when I wake up from this well camouflaged thought, I see that it’s only me making up how much freedom I will give myself. No Thing or No One is playing this game with me. It’s just me listening to the convincing thoughts from my very conditioned limited mind.
This Independence Day, I invite you to inquire into any limitations that appear to be true for you. There’s no need to answer or solve anything. Simply questioning the limitation sets the wheels of FREEDOM in motion for you. Freedom is your birthright. Test the limits you create for yourself.
Happy Freedom Day,
PS. In my coaching work and workshops, living free of limitations and living with inspiration, in any circumstance of life, is where I work. If you’d like to explore the possibility of getting coaching support, please contact me and we’ll have a conversation.
by Cherie Ray | Jan 3, 2019 | Being Human, Thought

“Forget the past and the future, and just be, and you will surely be rewarded by living in the now.” Sydney Banks
by Cherie Ray | Jan 1, 2019 | Being Human
We’re on the cusp of a New Year! This February marks the 12th birthday of True You Creativity Studio. At the conception of this inspiration, I could never have imagined how many wonderful people I would get to know. I also had no idea how my life would take shape by taking the next ‘unknown’ steps in the direction of this inspiration. I often shake my head in disbelief and gratitude for the intelligence behind life that moved me, even with all of my humanness (insecurity, doubt, you name it!) sounding so credible.
This morning I received an email from someone who is curious and looking for support. I felt it was the perfect conversation for welcoming a new year. While the start of a new year often brings reflection, I see where the sentiments of what was shared can be a consistent undertone in our day to day lives.
“Like many people – I have a tendency to let my fear of failure, criticism, and rejection holds me back. I desperately need to work on developing creative outlets for myself but am lacking the confidence and guidance.”
Somehow along the way we lose our innate understanding that we’ve got this. We lose site that we are enough, just the way we are, to do this thing called LIFE; to thrive, to try, to move, to create, to take a chance, and to respond to inspiration. The good news is that this type of questioning is just a lack of understanding not a lack of ability.I stand in these same shoes every time life offers something fresh or unexpected. 2018 has been a year filled with ‘Oh, I couldn’t do that’ to ‘Oh yes you did.’ I understand more and more that the insecurities I feel when moving in life are not the voices of wisdom, just the voice of my humanness. I know the innate ability to do life is there, even when I can’t see it. As I look back, I’m grateful beyond belief that there is another way to experience life.
I would love to connect with you. Coaching and workshops are for the sole purpose of seeing and experiencing life with more freedom. Your natural state of being is relaxed, creative, confident, and rich with potential. Everything we do here clears what separates you from living naturally with a confident understanding of ‘I got this’.
I feel very blessed and grateful that I have the good fortune to have you in my life. Thank you for your friendship.
by Cherie Ray | Dec 13, 2018 | Being Human, Thought
I love the fact that all human beings have the ability to receive new information via insight. Insight is the effortless, natural ability to see something fresh. Insight seems to pop into our minds from out-of-the-blue. Something that was once invisible to us becomes obvious… that’s insight.
This happened to me recently when I caught myself dreading and dragging to get something done that I needed to do. I spun around my house doing everything except what needed to be done the most. It was similar to being in college and thinking cleaning my dorm room was a better idea than studying for my exams. Crazy!
As I was spinning around avoiding the obvious, an insight in the form of a question popped into my mind, “What would you do if you could just get over yourself?” Almost immediately, I hear a response to this question, “Oh, I’d just do it.” Just do it? That’s an option? Who knew that was possible or even existed? And surprisingly, I did just that. I got over myself and completed the task with incredible efficiency, spaciousness, and enjoyment. This was a brand new experience for me.
As I continue with this inquiry of ‘getting over myself’ I’m finding that life gets simpler and simpler with more opportunities than I could imagine for practicing this fresh insight. LOL! I find this inquiry especially helpful when I’ve taken something personally. Yes, even when I take something personally, the sooner I ‘get over myself’ the more I find myself enjoying what life has to offer and the people that surround me.
With the holidays upon us, I felt like sharing this insight with you to support you in having a better overall experience in the coming weeks. With the many expectations we put on ourselves, others, and the holidays, if we could get in the habit of ‘getting over ourselves’ we could get on with the things we want the most, connection with the aliveness of life and connecting with the ones we love.
I hope you’ll give yourself this gift. It’s been a real eye opener for living with greater peace and possibilities.
Sending smiles,