First Responders: Noticing and Getting Curious
Recently I noticed that when I considered following a new idea or inspiration about my business, some very familiar thinking would show up almost instantly. I also began to notice the same dynamic kicked-in when considering the holidays or thinking about other things in my life. What I noticed was a flood of very real familiar thinking, very specific to the topic at hand, would show up in my mental conversation. This immediate-believable-absolute-feeling-seemingly-truthful flavored thinking showed up almost on que to tell me the truth about how life works.
As I noticed this dynamic happening more and more, these thought patterns occurred to me as my First Responders. Just like emergency first responders that show up on the scene to support us in times of need, these familiar thinking thought patterns show up on the scene to offer me a helpful dose of my reality. Something smelled fishy; my mental 1st Responders had a bias toward limitation. I found this interesting too!
In the game of life, if you look around, the nature of life is synonymous with potential and possibility. How could something live in my head, be so familiar, feel so definitive, and not be true about life? In understanding more about our human operating system, we live in a world of thought and then see it as real, so this is where my curiosity kicked in again. If my First Responders are not telling me the absolute truth about life, what else is there to see to around the topic I’m looking at? So, it occurred to me to consider there are holes in their stories and to keep my eyes and ears open to seeing something fresh. Guess what? New fresh possibilities are coming to me and it can work the same for you.
Here are some bullet points to raise your awareness to your First Responders:
- 1st Responders are not informing you about how life works. It’s informing you of how you believe it works.
- 1st Responders are reflecting your habits of thinking.
- 1st Responders are not informing you of what’s possible for your in life.
- 1st Responders are a mirror to your current mood. High mood, things look possible. Low mood, things look bleak.
- 1st Responders look real and feel true. Remember, this is all happening in your mind, not in life at the moment. For example, a busted water pipe in the mind is very different than a busted water pipe in front of you. The one in front of you is really happening and calling for your immediate attention. The other only exists in the mind but it still feels real.
- You may always have the same 1st Responders show up on the scene for you, whether they’re historic or futuristic, remember they are still not occurring now.
This is all good news. Why? Because we all get a chance to see more of our humanity as just that, an aspect of being human. Not a problem that needs to be overcome, just something to be aware of. The more you see the role of thought in the moment, the more relaxed you effortlessly become. Get curious. There’s always more to be seen.
Reboot Your Life, a “Do It at Home” Creative Immersion Retreat
Wouldn’t it be grand… to greet the New Year with confidence, courage, and an abiding sense of ease?
But holy cow, is that really a thing?
Actually, it is!
Even if you’ve been grappling for years with the persistent sense that you just don’t know how to get life right, you can discover in yourself a wise, creative, and compassionate guide.
You can wake up to your own creative process, a process that is both mysterious and utterly reliable. When understood, trusting the process is not even an issue.
Yup, it’s possible, even when you think you’re your biggest barrier to self-expression. Even when you have a history of getting in the way of what you want to create where you want to move in the world.
Welcome to Reboot Your Life, a “Do It at Home”
Creative Immersion Retreat with Cherie Ray and Molly Gordon
Reboot Your Life is a deep dive into the creative spirit that you know lives inside of you but that sometimes seems ridiculously elusive. It’s designed to show you how you are designed to reboot effortlessly.
Join us, and greet the New Year with fresh inspirations and ideas custom tailored to who you a really are, what you really care about, and how life really works.
- Learn about innate creative process–a creative process that is built into your human operating system.
- Get a handle on the ways human beings get in their own way (we all do it) and discover the super simple key to getting out of the way. (When you see this, trusting theprocess–your process–isn’t even an issue.)
- And do it all from the comfort of your own home, studio, or office–while enjoying the support and inspiration of a like-minded community.
Won’t you join us to make space for the full-bodied experience of a rich and fertile 2018?
How it works
Reboot Your Life is a virtual retreat. That means you can participate from your own home, office, or studio. The retreat runs from Thursday through Saturday, December 28, 29, and 30, 2017. Before we begin, you get an individual coaching session with Cherie or Molly to clarify your intentions.
During the retreat, we will begin each day with a virtual retreat community gathering at 8:00 AM Pacific Standard Time (10am Central Standard Time) using Zoom. Zoom is a free videoconferencing platform you can use on a smartphone, tablet, or computer. You can even join by phone, if you prefer.
By the way, this is strictly a come as you are happening. We plan to show up in pajamas, paint-stained coveralls, or whatever is easy, and we hope you will too.
We’ll meet for an hour to an hour and a half–long enough to connect, share insights into the innate creative process, and address whatever might seem to be in your way.
Then you play. Experiment. Create. Dream. Nap.
We come together again in the afternoon at 2:00 PM Pacific Standard Time (4pm Central Standard Time) for another community retreat gathering. You’ll have time to share your insights and breakthroughs and ask for what you need moving forward.
After the retreat is over you get two coaching sessions, one each with Cherie and Molly, to integrate your creative insights and vision into your life and work.
And throughout the retreat you can pop into the Reboot Your Life Facebook group to share insights, breakthroughs, and connect with the community.
Here’s a summary
- 30-minute individual intake session with Cherie or Molly.
- Do-it-at-home retreat December 28-30, 2017.
- Daily Zoom sessions at 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.
- Come as you are! We will.
- Each Zoom session will be 60-90 minutes. We will give everyone ample time to check in and explore new possibilities, and we won’t keep you in a Zoom session when you’d rather be creating or relaxing (or both!).
- A Reboot Your Life Facebook group where you can connect throughout the retreat.
- Two follow-up coaching sessions.
Reboot Your Life is for folks who:
- Are eager to step into the new year with a fresh vision of possibility, and may doubt their ability to realize that vison.
- Would love to trust the process, but wonder how that actually works. Is it realistic?
- Are tired of feeling they are lacking something and ready to discover that they have what it takes to be successful and joyful in life.
- Sense that much more is possible but for their limiting beliefs.
Gain fresh insight into the human operating system
Believe it or not, you and every human being on the planet were designed to thrive. To create. To receive and follow custom-tailored guidance.
We’re betting that sometimes it looks that way to you, too. Even if it has been years since you last really trusted your creative self, something in you knows it’s there.
Knows that it is infinitely resourceful.
And longs to experience and express it more fully.
That’s what Reboot Your Life is all about.
What you can expect from Reboot Your Life
- A fuller, deeper, more grounded understanding of how your creative process actually works.
- What it really means and why it just makes sense to “make space” for what naturally wants to occur.
- A new relationship with negativity and doubt or other persistent barriers to creating what you want.
- Setting aside time to give yourself the time and space to get oriented to possibilities that lurk just out of your everyday awareness.
- Wrapping up the year and launching the new year with a good feeling.
- And doing it in a supportive creative community.
Meet Cherie and Molly
Cherie Ray, MLA, Consultant & Coach
Cherie’s work supports individuals, teams, couples, families and business leaders in understanding how living creatively free impacts intimacy, collaboration, productivity, and profitability. She has shared her rich understanding of the creative process with others for 15 years. During this time she also completed the Pransky & Associates Mentorship program. Read more about her work at and
Molly Gordon, Master Certified Coach
A coach since 1996, Molly is known for her creativity, humor, and commitment to helping clients get off the merry-go-round of serial self-improvement and into the slipstream of infinite possibility. Her work is firmly grounded in the realization that every human being is inherently whole, creative, and resourceful, and she is thrilled to partner with her clients to create lives and work they love as the experience sand express their unique creative genius. Learn more about Molly’s work at
Here’s what we want for you
- Comfort with and confidence in the not obvious naturalness of creativity.
- A sense of “go for it” possibility with ease and spaciousness; we want you to really see that there is nothing to lose.
- A sense of going from your concept of creative freedom to a felt sense of freedom.
- A fresh perspective on the many depths and layers of the idea that that there’s a right way to do something.
- Release from the myth that the “right way” will bring the desired outcome.
- Permission: Most of us live with a restricted sense of permission. Let’s open that up!
- An appreciation for how much BS we tend to make up between inspiration and engagement. This has massive implications for creative productivity and follow through.
- The ability to explore in a supportive community where you can voice inspiration and bring it to light when it is still young and tender.
Sign up now and save $100
Your investment for Reboot Your Life is $700. There’s a $100 discount if you register before midnight Pacific time on Wednesday, December 13.
Contact us today and we’ll get back to you ASAP!
Will there be additional costs?
There is no cost to join a Zoom meeting from a computer, smartphone, or tablet. If you participate by phone, it is possible that you will incur long distance charges.
What technology will I need?
The Zoom videoconferencing platform works a lot like Skype, but seems to be more stable. The free Zoom software runs on Macs and PCs and on smartphones and tablets using Android or iOS (Apple) operating systems. You will receive instructions on setting up the software after you sign up.
Do I need a webcam?
That’s up to you. We find it enhances connection when we can see each other, but if you’d rather participate without video, that’s fine. Even if you participate from a computer or device with a camera, you can always turn the video off.
Will the sessions be recorded?
Yes, every meeting will be recorded, and you will be able to listen to or download the audio of the meeting by the following day. Recordings are strictly for the personal use of the participants.
Where is Aliveness?
It’s fall! It was very exciting to step outside this morning and feel a hint of fall. With the change of weather it occurred to me how that seems to stimulate an awakeness to life. All of a sudden any feeling of stuckness goes to the back and aliveness comes to the fore front. Aliveness is a topic that fascinates me and seems to show up in the majority of my coaching client’s desires for seeking support.
My curiosity about about aliveness brings me many insights. Why? Because I’m looking in the direction to see more. When we give our mind an assignment it seems to put in the coordinates, like GPS, and begins to serve up fresh information.
What has appeared true for me recently is that aliveness exists in engaging in life at the speed of life. Not living in my thinking about living, but about showing up in life and engaging with what’s next for me to do. It fascinates me on how our thinking can stall us from living. This may be common in most human beings but it’s not helpful.
My invitation to you is to engage, regardless of what seems to be stopping you. ENGAGE! Let it be simple. Let it be easy. The engaging will bring a new perspective, not what’s accomplished and acceptable to the mind. I promise. It’s in the engaging that aliveness and fresh perspective appears.
Where Limitation Lives…
Have you ever wondered where limitation exists in your life? This has became so obvious to me lateley that I felt the need to share.
Recently, I have been surprised by the notion of just showing up in life regardless of my preferences and perceived capabilities. It occurred to me, to move with the flow of life and to not micro manage its unfoldment.
Participating in life this way has found me in situations I would never have chosen, even avoided, because I knew I ‘didn’t have it in me’. What I’m seeing is that I have no clue what I’m capable of.
Secondly, showing up in situations I would have avoided at all costs has brought opportunities for a very rich feeling.
What I’m trying to explain is that I see how my thinking has held a formula for meaningful experiences, what I was capable of, and where good feelings come from. In this formula there was a correlation between ‘pleasant’ and my desired good feeling. I’m surprised how an unexperienced rich feeling can come from engaging in life, not the situations I prefer.
It has also become screamingly apparent that any notion of who or what I am and limitations in my life only exist in my mind.