Signs of New

I hope this email finds you and your family well and rested. I’m sitting at my desk watching the street activity out my window. It’s wonderful to see people moving about on bikes, a wheelchair, a skateboard, strollers, and on foot. People are politely and spaciously moving about. Today on my walk I saw an extended family, of all ages, in a group litter brigade collecting trash. These times of unexpected change seem to bring the cream to the surface of our humanity offering us fresh ways to connect and be with each other. We really are all in this together, at a safe distance.
This is a time of immense creativity. My wish for you is to see where new opportunities are waiting to be seen in every inconvenience, every impatient moment, and every uncomfortable feeling. I think we are being invited to find the place within us that is peaceful, loving, kind, and compassionate under the surface chaos of uncertainty. We all have it. It never leaves us, but we do look away from it.
Sending you big smiles,

Capacity, Resilience, Potential: You’re not tapped out!

Does your mind subtlety suggest to you that you have limits to your capacity, your resilience, your potential? I find it fascinating that our minds are so convincing about what’s available to us in our lives. What’s equally fascinating is the reality that our bodies get flooded with emotion matched with what looks real in our minds. A feeling of stuckness, defeat, disappointment, why bother? It runs the gambit. Where our minds go, our emotions follow. I also chuckle that there is this part of me, my thinking mind, which dwells in the past or the future, rarely present in the moment, offers me convincing input on how life works in real time.
This comes to mind because I saw Willie Nelson and his sister, Bobbie, perform at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo this week. My mind subtlety projected into the future and filled me in on how the concert would be. Well once again my mind was wrong, way wrong.
As I watched Willie play tunes, he’s played a zillion times before with passion, presence, and energy, I was struck by what I was seeing. Here’s a person 87 years of age, performing in front of 70,000 people and having a blast. On one song his sister Bobbie was featured. She was banging those piano keys at the speed of Chuck Berry or Jerry Lee Lewis. I was so taken by her performance that I looked her up and saw that she’s 89 years of age!
I wanted to share this story because I found so much inspiration around what’s TRUE and what we perceived to be true around our capacity, our resilience, and our potential. Too often we believe what we think without question. It’s helpful to see we have the option to align with our perceptions or we can align with what’s TRUE about life. Anything is possible for us. If we have a heartbeat, it’s a sure sign that pure potential is present.
Sending smiles, Cherie

Express Yourself! Why Bother?

Express yourself! Express Yourself? Why bother? What’s the value to your life to express yourself? I’m happy to be the messenger on this topic.
Since your arrival on the scene of life, you’ve been told how to be, how to act, what’s right, what’s wrong, how to be, been told you’re too much, not enough, you name it, and you’ve been subtlety or not so subtlety influenced by all of these ‘add-ons.’ All well meaning but it does tend to influence how we show up in the world as well as question, “Who am I under all of this influence and what’s authentic to me?”
That’s why it’s so valuable to your life to express yourself. When you express yourself, with absolute freedom and permission, you get the opportunity to shed layers upon layers of ‘add-ons’ to see just who is under all those judgements. Under all those concepts of can and can’t, right and wrong, you will discover YOU. Yes, that’s right. YOU and what’s unique to you. Not only does it feel great, you get the opportunity to discover more of who you truly are. This newly discovered peaceful freedom shows up in every area of your life.
I’d love to support you in exploring and discovering! Here’s a few tips to support you in saying YES when you want to express yourself, at work, at play, in your relationships, in your manner of dress, in following your inspirations, etcetera:
1.    Set aside some time to create with no goal in mind. Explore. Be adventurous.
2.    Respond to what occurs to you. Don’t negate the smallest nudge.
3.    Give yourself permission to follow the smallest nudge.
4.    Give up control and learn to let go of any expectations.
5.    Give up meaning and whys. Put your attention on the freedom and potential in life.
6.    100% Freedom is your birthright. Enjoy it!
The energy of creativity is benevolent. It supports you in living authentically and in harmony with yourself.
Now go out there and make your_____________________.
Sending smiles,

Love Love Love

In day-to-day life, loving, doesn’t seem like the easiest ride at the amusement park. In real life, there appears to be legitimate reasons to break connection. The connection breaker can be validated and commiserated. We can make differences the problem and build a life from them.
If we look at the universal nature of human beings, we are all in the same boat together!
1.    They have their ‘what matters most to me list’. You have your ‘what matters most to me list’. The content rarely matches.
2.    What’s obvious to them is not obvious to you. What’s obvious to you is not obvious to them. The content rarely matches.
3.    Where their mind goes, their life follows. Where your mind goes, your life follows. The content rarely matches.
4.    They see life uniquely through their eyes. You see life uniquely through your eyes. The content rarely matches.
5.    People do what makes sense to them in the moment. You do what makes sense to you in the moment. The content rarely matches.
Hopefully, by gaining understanding on how we’re all doing the same things in different ways, we can gain some spaciousness around times when differences look like deal breakers. Since we all possess the ability for fresh ideas, curiosity can replace reactivity and we find fresh places to connect. And we all want to feel connected.
Love, love, love……
It’s not always easy, but it’s the best game in town.
Sending smiles,
PS. I would love to hear your thoughts on this! Let’s connect.

Your True Home

I came across this and thought you might like it. Sometimes, it appears to me that people avoid creating and following inspirations because it’s often an individual exploration. But this essay, to me, states what’s on offer by saying YES. I believe creating takes you beyond your current ‘self’ and ‘Inspiration’ is an invitation from the Big Kahuna to grow and expand.
Each one of us is alone in the world. It takes great courage to meet the full force of your aloneness. Most of the activity in society is subconsciously designed to quell the voice crying in the wilderness within you. The mystic Thomas a Kempis said that when you go out into the world, you return having lost some of yourself. Until you learn to inhabit your aloneness, the lonely distraction and noise of society will seduce you into false belonging, with which you will only become empty and weary. When you face your aloneness, something begins to happen. Gradually, the sense of bleakness changes into a sense of true belonging. This is a slow and open-ended transition but it is utterly vital in order to come into rhythm with your own individuality. In a sense this is the endless task of finding your true home within your life. It is not narcissistic, for as soon as you rest in the house of your own heart, doors and windows begin to open outwards to the world. No longer on the run from your aloneness, your connections with others become real and creative. You no longer need to covertly scrape affirmation from others or from projects outside yourself. This is slow work; it takes years to bring your mind home.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.
Sending smiles,