Following the Inspirations that Come

Following the Inspirations that Come
Dear cheryl,
Following inspiration is captivating me at the beginning of this new year. It occurs to me that inspiration is an invitation from the Intelligence behind all life to explore beyond the known. Inspiration is something that comes like a spark from within me. For me, inspiration has a very fresh feeling and carries a lilt of lightness. Maybe even a feeling of enthusiasm. What’s it feel like for you? I’d love to know.
So, with curiosity on board, I’m letting inspiration lead the way. The inspiration said go to the state park, 70 miles from my house, super early and look at the year ahead. As the inspiration started moving, I watched both the spark and the objections that were coming up, almost simultaneously. In my unwritten pledge to follow inspirations, I dismissed all of the very reasonable and credible objections that my mind had to offer. 
I had my marching orders. Time to follow. I packed the papers off the top of my desk, my bicycle, my lunch, my favorite pink pen, and some blank journals. I loaded the car and took off before sunrise.
I arrived at the park so early that it was too cold and damp to be outside so my car became my workspace for exploring what I wanted to play with this year. As I sat in the passenger seat of my car, I was taken aback with the quiet and beauty that I was sitting in. Almost immediately, I found myself asking, why would I resist experiencing this? It was a very rich feeling.
Loads of ideas poured out covering the dashboard. Before I knew it 4 hours has passed. What awoke me to the time was my stomach growling. I couldn’t understand why because, in my mind, I had just eaten!
Following this inspiration has been a delightful experience. Not for the fruit it bore but for the full, rich feeling that filled me.
Insights from following inspiration;
1.    Disregard the mind’s suggested outcome. It’s not possible to know the outcome of what hasn’t happened.
2.    Inspiration comes with a feeling of possibility, lightness, enthusiasm.
3.    Feasibility is a buzz kill that comes with a very different feeling.
4.    When inspirations are followed, you can’t imagine why you would hesitate.
This month I hosted a webinar on letting inspiration lead the way in 2020. I’ve included the link below, if you’d like to watch it. Please share it with someone you feel might benefit from listening.
I encourage you to open your heart and mind to fresh inspiration. It’s life’s natural invitation to expand and explore life.
Here’s to living life feeling inspired!

Living Inspired, Naturally!

Here we are at the end of 2019! Can you believe it? I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy New Year! We’re not only starting a new year, we’re beginning a new decade. How exciting is that?
How do you want to live in 2020 and the years that follow? Letting INSPIRATION lead the way has been on the top of my dashboard lately. I’ve noticed that when I follow my natural inspiration the ride of life is expansive and full of aliveness, when I don’t, I feel flat and stuck. It’s helpful for me to understand what gets in the way of me following.
I’m inspired to have a free community webinar on this topic on January 2nd at noon CST. I’d love for you to join me in celebrating the beginning of a new year and exploring INSPIRATION. The information for joining the webinar is below. Please share the webinar information with anyone who might benefit from the conversation.
Thank you for the opportunity to share and grow together.
Wishing you a very happy new year filled with joy, love, and enthusiasm for life!

Light-hearted? Tis the Season

The holidays are HERE! Are you ready for what this season brings? Maybe it’s just me but I know my expectations, preferences, and story book images of the season can surely get in the way of seeing the gifts that sit right before my eyes.
When I watch kiddos, they get this game. They are very light-hearted about the holidays. They are ready to roll when the lights come on. What can be learned from this observation?
My suggestion? Take a double dose of ‘taking things lightly.’ Pack your sense of humor and take it with you everywhere you go. The old adage, “Don’t leave home without it.”, is some of the best wisdom to remember during this holiday season. Another tip? Check your preferences at the door. Everybody has preferences (and they are rarely the same) but they needn’t be a reason to break connection. They may get met and they may not, but don’t wait on that to have a good time connecting with the ones that matter most to you in your life.
A heart full of love feels good, I know it and you know it. A mind full of unmet expectations and preferences feels icky. We all have a choice. What feels best to you. The good news is you get to pick.
I want to wish you the very best! I love knowing you and having you in my life.
Happy holidays,

Nearsighted, Farsighted, Hindsighted: Giving Thanks

It’s almost Thanksgiving! Can you believe it? It’s the season to put on your gratitude glasses and see all that’s in front of you to be appreciated.
Whether you’re nearsighted, farsighted, or hind-sighted, it’s an opportunity to get in the moment and give thanks.
I would like to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to show up in your inbox, for coming to the studio for workshops, and for trusting me in supporting your understanding on how rich life can be. I appreciate it more than these words can express.
May all your meals be tasty, your travels be easy, and your connections be rich.
Happy Thanksgiving!
With a full heart,