“With a sincere and open heart,…”
“Where are you going to let life take you?”
“Enjoyment of Life is Natural”
“The Principles of Nature are the Principles of Creativity”
“The Principles of Nature are the Principles of Creativity”
“It speaks to connection; that…
“It speaks to connection; that we’re all linked at a spiritual level, soul to soul.” ~Elsie Spittle
“Our thoughts are the camera, our eyes are the lens. Put…
“Our thoughts are the camera, our eyes are the lens. Put them together and the picture we see is reality.”Sydney Banks
4 Tips for Stress-Free Solutions
Hello Friends,
Today I’m writing you from Salt Spring Island, BC, where I’m attending a conference. Preparing for this conference is where this story begins. Getting to Salt Spring requires taking a float plane. It all sounds fun until you get the news that you can only carry 25 pounds on the flight. That’s it, 25# for 6 days, including purse, mobile office, etc. I’m laughing because my clothing takes up the least amount of poundage in this equation and my incidentals the most!
What occurred to me, through this process, is how often seeking solutions can bring additional stress. In our innocence, we get to work on ‘figuring it out’. This is where we start to resemble a dog with a bone; we chew on it until we’re exhausted or stressed out. We just can’t let it go until we know the solution. There’s another way.
Here are 4 Tips for Stress-Free Solutions:
1. Know that you have a factory installed Creative Process built into your design as a human being. We all carry this feature. What’s cool about this feature is; the more you enlist it, the more it works on your behalf, the more you experience it, your confidence in its presence in your life soars.
2. Stop ruminating or trying to figure out a solution. This habit adds congestion to your head space and consumes your bandwidth for what’s requiring your immediate attention. Too many things living in your head space is where the feelings of overwhelm and burnout come from.
3. Relax; know that you have an inner resource that will lead you to your solution. Listen for fresh insights and ideas that show up on the scene about your topic.
4. Engage with these fresh ideas. Don’t poo-poo on them, follow the thread. When you poo-poo on these next steps, your creative process interprets it as you don’t want help and it retreats. Tip: these fresh ideas don’t always show up as logical. Keep following the crumbs and you will arrive at a solution that’s a perfect fit for you. This approach to arriving at solutions is like a mysterious treasure hunt. The discovery is fun and the bounty brings something brand new. In addition to a solution, you will also experience a new found hopefulness and resilience.
Right about now is when I usually hear someone say, “Yeah, but the solution I need is bigger than a weight issue!” No worries, the mechanics work the same regardless of the topic. Try it out for yourself. I’d love to hear from you.
My packing journey turned out to be a very fun ride. I woke up to new ways to travel with more efficiency, much less weight, and a whole lot more ease getting through my flight connections. The process also offered me the opportunity to hop on 2 earlier flights, arriving hours earlier to my destination. Following the ideas that occurred to me through this process brought me to the scales with a stress free 22.9 pounds and a big inner chuckle.
I encourage you to enlist this factory installed resource and let it work on your behalf. If you’d like to learn more and be supported in discovering a multitude of unrealized internal resources, I’d love to work with you. Let’s set up a time for a conversation.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Sending smiles,
Want to be Authentic? Let’s Look at the Truth of Who You Are.
Hello Friends-

Too often your True self gets covered up by many layers of life-conditioning and experiences. As you move through life you interpret these experiences and conditioning to be the truth about you and the truth about life. If you want to live authentically, it’s helpful to be reminded that you don’t need to add anything. Typically, what’s most helpful for you, is to let lots of mental-things fall away. When that happens, your True self has the opportunity to be seen and experienced.
Below you will find an excerpt from a book that articulates exactly what I’m attempting to express.
Excerpt from:
Seduced by Consciousness
by Jack Pransky
Essence and Oneness
What exists, what remains, once we see illusion for what it is?
The essence of who we are as Human beings, spiritual beings.
We are the essence of who we are. We are essence! Our true nature. We can only create the illusion that we are not.
Our essence contains pure peace, pure love and pure wisdom. How do we know? Because when our mind clears or shuts down or quiets from its personal thinking, this is what remains as our experience. We feel closer to it.
What is our essence connected to? The Oneness of All Things. We are one little teeny part of the Oneness. No real separation. A part, not apart. It only looks as if we’re separate.
Within the realm of essence and Oneness no problems that appear within the world of form even exist. Within this realm all our form-problems are a joke.
First Responders: Noticing and Getting Curious
Recently I noticed that when I considered following a new idea or inspiration about my business, some very familiar thinking would show up almost instantly. I also began to notice the same dynamic kicked-in when considering the holidays or thinking about other things in my life. What I noticed was a flood of very real familiar thinking, very specific to the topic at hand, would show up in my mental conversation. This immediate-believable-absolute-feeling-seemingly-truthful flavored thinking showed up almost on que to tell me the truth about how life works.
As I noticed this dynamic happening more and more, these thought patterns occurred to me as my First Responders. Just like emergency first responders that show up on the scene to support us in times of need, these familiar thinking thought patterns show up on the scene to offer me a helpful dose of my reality. Something smelled fishy; my mental 1st Responders had a bias toward limitation. I found this interesting too!
In the game of life, if you look around, the nature of life is synonymous with potential and possibility. How could something live in my head, be so familiar, feel so definitive, and not be true about life? In understanding more about our human operating system, we live in a world of thought and then see it as real, so this is where my curiosity kicked in again. If my First Responders are not telling me the absolute truth about life, what else is there to see to around the topic I’m looking at? So, it occurred to me to consider there are holes in their stories and to keep my eyes and ears open to seeing something fresh. Guess what? New fresh possibilities are coming to me and it can work the same for you.
Here are some bullet points to raise your awareness to your First Responders:
- 1st Responders are not informing you about how life works. It’s informing you of how you believe it works.
- 1st Responders are reflecting your habits of thinking.
- 1st Responders are not informing you of what’s possible for your in life.
- 1st Responders are a mirror to your current mood. High mood, things look possible. Low mood, things look bleak.
- 1st Responders look real and feel true. Remember, this is all happening in your mind, not in life at the moment. For example, a busted water pipe in the mind is very different than a busted water pipe in front of you. The one in front of you is really happening and calling for your immediate attention. The other only exists in the mind but it still feels real.
- You may always have the same 1st Responders show up on the scene for you, whether they’re historic or futuristic, remember they are still not occurring now.
This is all good news. Why? Because we all get a chance to see more of our humanity as just that, an aspect of being human. Not a problem that needs to be overcome, just something to be aware of. The more you see the role of thought in the moment, the more relaxed you effortlessly become. Get curious. There’s always more to be seen.
Where Limitation Lives…
Have you ever wondered where limitation exists in your life? This has became so obvious to me lateley that I felt the need to share.
Recently, I have been surprised by the notion of just showing up in life regardless of my preferences and perceived capabilities. It occurred to me, to move with the flow of life and to not micro manage its unfoldment.
Participating in life this way has found me in situations I would never have chosen, even avoided, because I knew I ‘didn’t have it in me’. What I’m seeing is that I have no clue what I’m capable of.
Secondly, showing up in situations I would have avoided at all costs has brought opportunities for a very rich feeling.
What I’m trying to explain is that I see how my thinking has held a formula for meaningful experiences, what I was capable of, and where good feelings come from. In this formula there was a correlation between ‘pleasant’ and my desired good feeling. I’m surprised how an unexperienced rich feeling can come from engaging in life, not the situations I prefer.
It has also become screamingly apparent that any notion of who or what I am and limitations in my life only exist in my mind.
Squirrels-Living Discouragement Proof
On Saturday, I was sitting at my computer and something caught my eye. As I looked up, I saw my bird feeder swinging largely from left to right.
At first I thought someone had walked by and pushed it because it was swaying so big. As I looked closer, I saw a squirrel working its way up the trunk, getting in position to take another giant leap at the feeder. With the focus and precision of Evel Knievel, the squirrel poised itself and took the leap of faith, again. Still no success. But this isn’t the end of the story. With no hesitation the squirrel goes into action again.
As she maneuvered her path back up the tree, it occurred to me that there is one universally specific detail that separates squirrels from humans when living life. This is the notion of discouragement. They don’t have it, humans do.
Maybe you don’t have those moments of wondering, how life got to look this way, and how people aren’t supposed to be that way, and that was not supposed to go that way, yada yada ya.
It occurred to me that if I didn’t entertain what passed through my mind, in those moments of disbelief, much less ruminate on them, discouragement wouldn’t exist and neither would my suffering about how things appear!
In an instant, two things became clear. If I was less influenced by what charged through my mind in times of insecurity, I would have more fun, live with more inspiration, and try everything, without hesitation.
Stories and the Actions that Follow
With all the divisiveness and unusual happenings occurring around us in recent times, I often wonder how to affect change or make a contribution. It occurred to me to start right here where I am. This idea showed up.
“The most dangerous weapon we possess are the stories we play in our minds which propel our actions.”
Who knew stories were so compelling? Sometimes, it gets amusing and sometimes NOT, how many stories I become aware of and live from. Fasting from sugars and starches may be rewarding to our physical bodies but I’m finding that fasting from my stories are introducing me to things I never knew existed, for me. From this awareness, our every action becomes a contribution. The best we can do with our humanity is to give it a try. Sometimes we can do it and sometimes we can’t. Again, we meet our humanness around every corner.