Friday Free Webinar – Holiday Jeopardy

Virtual TX, United States

Want to have a fresh experience of the Holiday Season? In this conversation we will connect, talk, and learn about what it takes to have a fresh and rich experience of the Holiday Season. Here are the base understandings for you to reflect on before we launch the conversation: Your desired experience has nothing to […]

Free Friday Webinar: Losing Your Tolerance for Struggle

Losing Your Tolerance for Struggle Friday, January 17, 2025 "I've been working on myself for so long, why doesn't it feel easier?" Interesting question we've all asked ourselves at one time or another. In this conversation I'll share some insights about this very question and what ELSE is going on. There will be an open […]

Free Friday Webinar: Are You Hiding From Yourself?

Virtual TX, United States

Are You Hiding From Yourself? Free Friday Webinar: Friday, February 7, 2025 11:30 central, 9:30 pacific, 10:30 mountain, 12:30 eastern, 5:30pm UK Seeking connection with others but it's not happening? Seeking a richer connection with others but it's not happening? Feeling  adrift in your life? Join the conversation. In this Free Friday Webinar you will […]