Here we are in the full swing of Summer 2022. I hope you are full of enthusiasm for how you will spend your time.
I just returned from facilitating an Intuitive Painting workshop at Esalen Institute ( in Big Sur, CA. Esalen has a very long history for supporting holistic education. We had a group of 36 people who took time off to explore what Intuitive Painting has to offer. The people who participated walked into the workshop from around the globe! This included people from the Netherlands to Massachusetts, from all professions. As the workshop was ending, we loaded all of the pages of paintings (26”x30”) on 2 tables for sorting. There were over 400 sheets of paper where these wonderful people explored the limitless nature of creating and the limited nature of their mind-set. What I saw on their faces at the end of the workshop was a fresh brightness.
I credit their bright faces to the experience of having a richer connection to their true self and a spaciousness they are taking into their lives to live more authentically and freely. Thank you to everyone who came.
Share the spaciousness and freedom (a real friends with benefits moment of these participants) and embrace your summer. I have several fun events available for you this summer. I hope you will join in! They are listed below on this email and a complete list can be found on my website,
Sending smiles,
Cherie Ray