Relationship Challenges

Here you are! February is wrapping up and March is just around the corner. When I think about March being just around the corner, I’m even more amazed at the crazy weather that hit the country last week. I hope you’re doing well and navigating what’s required to get your world shored up! When I think of March, I think of spring and warm sunny days. Hopefully, they are on their way.
Valentine’s week I hosted a webinar titled, “Are Your Relationship Concepts Getting in the Way of Real Relationship?” Lots of people mentioned that they thought the webinar was about romantic love relationships and didn’t feel it applied to them because they aren’t in a romantic relationship right now.
Romantic relationships are just one in a basket of many. Like it or not, you are in relationship with everything and everybody. You are in relationship with yourself (most importantly), your friends, neighbors, customer service reps, vendors, employer, siblings, parents, children, checkout clerk, spouse/partner, and so many others.
Do you carry a lot of ideas, definitions, and concepts about the rights and wrongs in these relationships? These personal truths get in the way of creating and experiencing REAL relationship. If relationships are a sore spot or a struggle for you, please check out the webinar, It’s also available on my podcast, Connected Living with Cherie Ray on Spotify, ITunes, Google.
I hope you’ll take a listen and I hope you hear something helpful. Getting real and eliminating struggle is what I do with my clients. If you are living in struggle, you don’t have to. Let’s connect.
Sending smiles,

Free Friday Webinar: Are You Hiding From Yourself?

Are You Hiding From Yourself?

Free Friday Webinar: Friday, February 7, 2025

11:30 central, 9:30 pacific, 10:30 mountain, 12:30 eastern, 5:30pm UK

Are you covered up in shoulds, suppose tos, have tos, ought tos? Are those necessary or needed? Let’s talk about it.

Join the conversation. In this Free Friday Webinar you will be part of a community of people, just like you, looking to have a richer experience of life. There will be a brief sharing of information followed by Q&A.

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

See you there!

A Candid Conversation

What are you hungering for? Community, connection, creativity, fresh aliveness? Well all of that can be done safely and virtually. During this time of Covid we’ve discovered that a fun, welcoming community is created when people come together to explore. It’s been wonderful to get together with you for webinars and for workshops. I appreciate all the comments you’ve shared on how virtual participation has supported you through these quarantine times. Thank YOU for participating in making community where community can happen these days!
I want to share this fresh conversation I had with Michele Cassou.
A Candid Conversation with Michele Cassou on Point Zero Intuitive Painting and her life of exploring creativity.
Michele Cassou has authored 10+ books on creativity, as well as numerous audio and video recordings. She has explored the operating principles of creativity for over 50 years as well as being the first art workshop offered at Esalen over 45 years ago. Her work continues to grow and evolve, which is the nature of creativity.
Podcast: Connected Living with Cherie Ray
Truths and Understandings for the Business of Life
This conversation is available on my podcast. Please share this link with anyone you know that is interested in creativity or living life more creatively.
I love hearing from you. Let’s connect for a conversation!


It’s September! What a surprise to be approaching a change of seasons. I hope you’re doing well and easily navigating what’s in front of you to do.
In my coaching practice, clients have been asking questions about the bombardment of news they’re presented with. The questions are similar to these:
What do you do with all the bad news coming at you every day?
The load of bad news feels overwhelming. What do you do?
Do you have any tips on this?
In response to these questions, I’ve decided to do a webinar on just this topic. Would you like to bring your lunch, coffee or tea and let’s talk about it? We’ll meet on Zoom this Friday, August 4th at noon Central, 10am Pacific, 11 Mountain, 6pm UK, 7pm Paris.
I’ll share information that will support you and answer any questions you have. Invite your friends, colleagues, or anyone you feel would benefit from this conversation.
I look forward to seeing you Friday!

Presence. Where Are You?

How are you? Here we are in August. I can’t believe September is just days away! I hope you are doing well and the ones you love are too.
Recently I was asked to share a wellness tip in support of the current events we are all experiencing. As I reflected on what seemed most important to suggest, I also noticed that I was drawn to suggest something that is effortless and completely natural. It’s not application based, so no worries there. It’s all too often overlooked and it offers us everything we need when we need it.
What is this magic thing?
Through out our days our thoughts sweep us up and out of every moment. In a flash we are in our minds working out scenarios that are not currently happening or working on a memory from a past situation. In the meanwhile, we are missing opportunities that life has placed right in front of us. Do you notice how often you find yourself in these thought created moments?
What to do? Well, we will be thinkers as long as we’re alive. We can’t do a thing about that. But what you can do is create a practice of climbing out of your head and into the present moment. How do you do that? Throughout the day/evening/night take a breath into your body and drop the story. Magically, you are now present. The present moment offers you peace, wisdom, your next action, and relaxation. The benefits? Reduced overwhelm, less stress, more reilience and creativity, personally and professionally.
It really is natural to human beings to be present. We feel great when we receive it and we feel great when we offer it.
I’d love to hear what comes to mind for you on this topic. Let’s connect,
Rest well, be well until we meet again!