Free Friday Webinar: Are You Hiding From Yourself?

Are You Hiding From Yourself?

Free Friday Webinar: Friday, February 7, 2025

11:30 central, 9:30 pacific, 10:30 mountain, 12:30 eastern, 5:30pm UK

Are you covered up in shoulds, suppose tos, have tos, ought tos? Are those necessary or needed? Let’s talk about it.

Join the conversation. In this Free Friday Webinar you will be part of a community of people, just like you, looking to have a richer experience of life. There will be a brief sharing of information followed by Q&A.

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

See you there!

Happy New Year

Here we are at the end of 2020!
I think this year speaks volumes about RESILIENCE. Resilience is your innate ability to rise to the occasion. Whatever the occasion is. It’s the spiritual nature of life that delivers to you unseen abilities in the exact moment that you need them. I know for a lot of us this year has served up plenty of surprises, losses, and unimaginable circumstances. Some so unimaginable that if you could have imagined them you would surely believe you couldn’t survive them. But you do.
Resilience is a gift we all carry, and it is at the ready when we need it. With that in mind, you can relax with what the New Year will bring and put your attention on what you would like to explore in 2021. What would you like to play with? I’m going to spend some time considering what would plump my heart and what are the qualities of a life well lived. These things will be put in my recipe for a meaningful 2021.
I would like to express my deep appreciation to each of you for participating in so many great events and conversations this year. I hope the New Year greets you with a big smile!
Happy New Year!

Line In the Sand

I hope you’re feeling strong and vibrant. Are you planning your holidays, celebrating the Festival of Lights, or readying to launch a fresh new year?
I hope you’ll take a break this Friday, December 18th at noon CST, 10am PST, 1pm EST to join in the conversation, Drawing a Line in the Sand, When will finding fault in yourself no longer be an option? It will be a rich conversation that could add to the gifts you give yourself this holiday season or what you want to include in your New Year reset. Please register in advance to attend.
It’s been a full year with more highs, lows, and changes then previously experienced. I hope you’ll include yourself on your gift-giving list by gifting yourself large doses of love, acceptance, and compassion.
I look forward to seeing you on the call this Friday!


It’s September! What a surprise to be approaching a change of seasons. I hope you’re doing well and easily navigating what’s in front of you to do.
In my coaching practice, clients have been asking questions about the bombardment of news they’re presented with. The questions are similar to these:
What do you do with all the bad news coming at you every day?
The load of bad news feels overwhelming. What do you do?
Do you have any tips on this?
In response to these questions, I’ve decided to do a webinar on just this topic. Would you like to bring your lunch, coffee or tea and let’s talk about it? We’ll meet on Zoom this Friday, August 4th at noon Central, 10am Pacific, 11 Mountain, 6pm UK, 7pm Paris.
I’ll share information that will support you and answer any questions you have. Invite your friends, colleagues, or anyone you feel would benefit from this conversation.
I look forward to seeing you Friday!


How are you? Are you getting Zoom-literate now? I hope you’re feeling well and everyone you love is feeling well too.
Exciting news! My podcast is up on all podcast formats. It’s called, Connected Living with Cherie Ray, Truths & Understandings for the Business of Life.
Here’s a description of what we’re up to on the podcast: Experts sharing truths, understandings, and insights that are helpful for the business of life. Who doesn’t want a smoother ride? That’s what this show is all about. Offering a smoother ride with all of life’s hot topics; career, relationships, creativity, and all the other things we encounter in life. You will gain distillations of wisdom oriented to living a limitless and fulfilled life.
If you enjoy listening to podcasts, please subscribe and rate the podcast by following these links (Apple | Spotify | Google ). If you know of someone who would enjoy listening, please share.
Your support is always appreciated.
Warmest wishes,